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What Factors Determine The Spousal Support You May Receive?

Spousal Support

Your divorce will change many different areas of your life, including your financial stability and security. One of your primary goals during this process will be to secure terms that will allow you to approach your post-divorce future with confidence. This may include spousal support. You will benefit from learning more about what spousal support is and whether you may be eligible for these payments.  

The intent of spousal support, also called alimony, is to reduce the economic hardship and inequity often experienced by one Kansas spouse during a divorce. If you are a lesser-earning spouse or you did not work while you were married, it is possible you could be eligible for this type of financial support. A court may order one spouse to make alimony payments, or you and the other party may negotiate a mutually satisfactory agreement. 

How much can you expect? 

The amount that you could receive in spousal support payments depends largely on the details of your individual situation and evidence of your financial need. When ordering spousal support, a court will take several factors into consideration when determining the amount and duration of the payments. These factors include: 

  • Length of the marriage 
  • Physical and mental state of both spouses 
  • Income and ages of each spouse 
  • Lifestyle enjoyed by spouses during the marriage 
  • The ability of lesser-earning spouses to reenter the workforce 
  • Ability of a spouse to make payments and still support himself or herself </span”>

Spousal support can be one of the most contentious issues during a divorce. However, if you believe you are eligible for support, you have the right to fight for this inclusion in your final divorce order. Alimony can be temporary or permanent, depending on whether the recipient can find employment or how long he or she would need support before becoming financially independent.  

Seeking your best post-divorce future 

Your financial future after divorce depends on the terms you are able to secure in your final order. If you do not earn as much as the other spouse, you may have a rightful claim to alimony. Before you agree to terms or make any decisions that could affect your future, you will find it helpful to learn about how to secure this support and other terms that will allow you to move forward after divorce with your interests intact and your long-term interests protected. 

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