Although the holidays can be a time of joy for a family, they can also…
Understanding Different Types of Divorce: Simple vs. Complex

Some divorces may have more difficult legal issues involved than others. A divorcing couple may have an extensive amount of assets to divide between them. There may be children from the marriage, and the couple must figure out matters of custody and child support. A complex divorce would take more time to settle and could perhaps lead to litigation between the spouses.
Complex Divorces Can Involve Difficult Issues or a High-Conflict Situation
Complex divorces often involve spouses who have a history of intensive conflict with each other. They may have an extremely contentious relationship from what happened during their marriage. In addition, a complex divorce could involve a high net worth couple, where there are assets that may be difficult to value and divide. There could be other special legal issues involved in your case that may necessitate a more creative solution if you are able to negotiate one.
You must prepare in advance for a complex divorce because it could be harder to reach an agreement if there is one to even be had. Planning can involve consulting with a family law attorney who can help you with a strategy for the divorce to achieve the best possible outcome for you. Then, you must be prepared for the ups and downs that could come with a laborious negotiation process.
Even Simple Divorces May Not Be as Easy as They May Seem
Even what you may think of as a simple divorce could also present issues. In any divorce, you would need to address the following issues:
- Division of assets
- Spousal support (if there is a marked disparity in the spouses’ earnings)
- Child support
- Custody and visitation arrangements
- How decisions are to be made for the children
A divorce that is more simple could involve fewer assets, or there may be no children involved. There may not be as many things to negotiate, and the two spouses may get along far better. Still, there are many hurdles that you must overcome before you can finalize any separation agreement and the court could grant the final divorce order. A divorce could become more simple over time if the spouses are able to reach a quicker agreement. However, no divorce should ever be considered as starting out as simple. You always need to reach an agreement to avoid litigation.
If there are children involved or a significant amount of assets, you should always assume that the divorce would be complex. In addition, as much as you may want to reach a quicker agreement, you should never shoehorn what could be a more complex divorce into the category of a simple one for the matter of convenience.
In reality, you should not treat any divorce like it is a simple one. When you negotiate a separation agreement, you will cover areas that can impact your life for a long time to come. Not only would you address financial issues, but you would also agree on custody matters that affect the children. Never take anything for granted when handling any issues in a divorce. Always seek help from a family law attorney to negotiate an agreement on your behalf and help you anticipate any potential legal issues.
Contact a Kansas Family Law Attorney Today
For help with any divorce case, reach out to the experienced divorce lawyers at the Colgan Law Firm, LLC. You can call us today at 813-721-9999 to schedule an initial consultation with one of our attorneys. You should contact a divorce lawyer sooner rather than later in the legal process to help you get prepared.