Deployments and permanent changes of station (PCS) are a part of military life. Service members…
The Good Things That Happen When Parents Work Together
Parents in Kansas and throughout the country may be anxious about raising their children after a divorce. However, as long as they place the child’s needs above their own, it can be a positive experience. Eventually, children are able to accept that their parents love them even if they don’t necessarily love each other anymore. Over time, the relationship between the parents may improve as well.
While the relationship may not be the same as it was before, it can still be a strong one that is based on respect for the other person. Parents who share the responsibility of raising their children may find that there is less stress in their lives. This is because they are only with the child for about half the time. In addition, each person is only responsible for roughly half the cost of raising a son or daughter.
Therefore, a parent has the time and money to focus on building their own lives while also being there for their child. If the parents have learned to get along with each other, they can create a parenting plan that meets their needs. This can come in handy if one person has to stay late at work or needs a day without the kids to move into a new home or apartment.
When parents put the best interests of the child first, they will generally find that it is easier to work together. However, if there are disputes related to child custody or child support payments, those issues may need to be resolved in mediation or in court. An attorney may be able to review the case and devise a strategy to resolve a dispute to a parent’s satisfaction. Possible outcomes include modifying a parenting plan or child support payment.