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Looking For Ways To Stop An Eviction?

It’s not always easy to meet rent payments on time. If you’ve struggled to do so, you’re certainly not the first person, nor will you likely be the last to face economic challenges that cause a predicament to your rental payment schedule. If your landlord has said or done something to make you worry about eviction, it may help you gain peace of mind if you seek clarification of your tenant rights and know where to seek support if your fears become reality.  

Your landlord must adhere to certain regulations when it comes to evicting you from your home. Even if the two of you don’t always see eye-to-eye, that’s not necessarily a legitimate reason for making you lose your Kansas home. It can be very stressful to fight an eviction; however, it can also be worth it if you’re acting within your rights and trying to keep a roof over your head and stop unjust behavior.  

Did you get an official notice of eviction? 

One of the first issues you may want to research if you plan to fight an eviction has to do with required notice in Kansas. Most states have protection laws, although each state’s laws may vary. The fact that landlords must send sufficient notice of eviction typically always applies; however, the method of notification and the timing involved may be different in one state over another.  

Failure to notify 

If your landlord did not follow notification rules, you may be able to use that as a defense against eviction. This defense may be possible even if you are not up-to-date on rent payments.  

Did your landlord accept partial payment? 

Perhaps you contacted your landlord, explaining that you had run into some hard times financially and wanted to pay part of your rent, then delay the rest until a later time. If your landlord granted your request, then tried to evict you, it may be possible to obtain a waiver that protects you from eviction because of the partial payment.  

Is your apartment in disrepair? 

Some people are able to avoid eviction by sending written notice to their landlords that their premises have not received proper maintenance. Such notice should include a list of needed repairs and a reasonable timetable for getting the work done. Some tenants hire others to do the work, then take the amount paid for the work off of their monthly rent, which would be the same as satisfying rent payments. 

If you believe your landlord is trying to get back at you because you did something, such as reported code violations or some other issue to appropriate officials, you may have grounds for pursuing a wrongful eviction claim.  

While you can never predict a particular outcome in such situations, if you know your rights and where to seek experienced support, you may be able to swiftly resolve your eviction problems.

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