Deployments and permanent changes of station (PCS) are a part of military life. Service members…
Child Custody Matters Can Get Messy
During a divorce, child custody decisions can often be difficult to make. However, if parents in Kansas decide among themselves that they will share joint custody of their children, the process could be much easier for everyone. The key to a joint custody relationship is real cooperation between the parents.
When parents cannot come to an acceptable custody agreement, then the court will be tasked with making choices based on the children’s best interests. The situation can become complicated if there is more than one child, but the courts typically try to keep siblings together.
Sometimes, a family court judge will assign a special advocate to the case who can help by looking deeper into a divorcing couple’s situation. A court advocate will usually visit the home of each parent. This person will then make observations about a child’s relationships with his or her parents. Furthermore, the advocate will report any adverse living conditions found in either home to the court.
Many aspects of the parents’ lives might come under scrutiny during the child custody process. The judge will want to consider the general stability of each parent and whether there have ever been allegations of any sort of abuse. Stability relates to finances as well as how often a parent changes their address. The length of time each parent has spent in their current job is also important to the judge who is trying to make an informed child custody decision.
Through the course of even an amicable divorce, child custody cases can become problematic. An attorney who is knowledgeable about family law might help a parent with their situation. As children grow and situations change, legal counsel could also assist with things such as child custody modifications.